أدخل كلمات البحث واضغط على إدخال.


Story not of imagination, only 700 fighters made a legend of steadfastness for 5 years in front of hordes of killers, criminals and bats of darkness evil forces teamed up and bought loyalties from relatives.

The enemies scrambled to burn the city sing all their international prohibited lethal weapons.

In the sight and blessing of the International Community continuous satanic schemes to displace population and change demographics.

The Umayyad capital is wanted after 1800 days of resistance and inflicting record loss for mercenaries.

Noose tightened on the fighters and they decided to evacuate the city, submitting to demands of the civilians remaining alive and not afraid of confrontation.

They exited amid their enemies proud carrying revolution cause soil of martyrs will witness their heroic stories and steadfastness when the original land owners will return liberated and victorious.

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